Friday, March 18, 2011

nature ???

Okay, so as this class goes along, I'm realizing I don't know much about Edmonton at all. I don't even know what nature is like in Edmonton! By that I mean, that I've never really EXPERIENCED nature in Edmonton. I've never walked down a path to a ravine in Edmonton, or had a picnic by a pond, or whatever. My weak excuse is that I live in St.Albert, so all I ever see of Edmonton's nature is the trees on the side of the road that I'm driving on. Obviously I see the river valley every week day on my way to school, and it is absolutely beautiful, but that's about as close to "nature" in Edmonton as I get.

Actually, the first thing I thought of when I read this week's blog prompt, is whatever random dog park in Edmonton that I took my dog to once when he was a puppy, but I witnessed a pretty scary dog fight between what looked like a german shepherd mix and a rottweiler, so we stuck to smaller, "safer" dog parks in St. Albert from then on... haha, what a disaster that was. I can't think of any other parks or fields I've ever been to in Edmonton. Hmm. Possibly another thing to add to my to-do list.


  1. Haha! I actually thought about a very similar dog park experience when I first read the blog prompt. Never been back to a dog park in Edmonton.

  2. I find it interesting how you stated that you've "never really EXPERIENCED nature in Edmonton." I think that it poses an interesting view on the conflict between urban development and nature.

    The majority of people, myself included, believe that with growing infrastructure, we are severely harming natural setting within the city. However, what does it really mean to preserve nature in urban environments? Will it really affect how we experience nature in the city? Because it seems that as time progresses, nature finds itself on the periphery on our line of vision until some large development is suggested and threatens a particular park or ravine.
