Thursday, March 31, 2011

5 things

If I were to make an archive of significant Edmonton materials, I would include things that are either useful to me while I'm in Edmonton, or things that will remind me of Edmonton when the day comes that I can finally move out of here.

So, here we go:

1) It may be finally warming up in the city, but I'm perpetually bitter about Edmonton winters. So, the first item that I think is significant to Edmonton, is a snow shovel. If you have a driveway, you own a shovel. You might even own a shovel if you don't have a driveway, because those things come in handy when you need to dig your car out from under a heap of snow. If that's not a significant Edmonton material, I don't know what is.

2) A GPS. I mentioned in an earlier blog that I've had my difficulties using GPSes, but don't get me wrong: I LOVE THEM. I had to drive downtown today, and I don't know how I would have made it without my GPS. A St.Albert girl driving around downtown Edmonton is a disaster waiting to happen, so thank goodness for my GPS to get me where I need to go, without me having to take detour after detour. This item is becoming essential to me as I explore Edmonton more and more.

3) An oilers jersey. I have a ton of them in my closet. If a friend needs a jersey to go to a game, they come to me to browse through my selection. Nothing reminds me of Edmonton more than the Oilers.

4) A deep fried Mars bar. Ok, I know this doesn't really scream "Edmonton", but I connect it to Taste of Edmonton, a summer festival that I just love. This festival offers all kinds of foods, among other things, and deep fried mars bars are one of the tastiest treats there.

5) Something from this class. I'm not sure what just yet, but this class has opened my eyes to so many things that Edmonton has to offer, whether that be through writers like Darrin Hagen, or other artists, film-makers, etc. I don't think anything is more significant to Edmonton than it's people. But I don't really consider people to be materials, so maybe I would include one of the reading materials we tackled this term, like Edmonton On Location. In my opinion, stories about this city are definitely significant, but seem to be under-appreciated here. I had read maybe one novel set in Edmonton before coming to this class. Yup, the more I think of it, the more I would definitely include one of the books we read this term.

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