Thursday, March 31, 2011

5 things

If I were to make an archive of significant Edmonton materials, I would include things that are either useful to me while I'm in Edmonton, or things that will remind me of Edmonton when the day comes that I can finally move out of here.

So, here we go:

1) It may be finally warming up in the city, but I'm perpetually bitter about Edmonton winters. So, the first item that I think is significant to Edmonton, is a snow shovel. If you have a driveway, you own a shovel. You might even own a shovel if you don't have a driveway, because those things come in handy when you need to dig your car out from under a heap of snow. If that's not a significant Edmonton material, I don't know what is.

2) A GPS. I mentioned in an earlier blog that I've had my difficulties using GPSes, but don't get me wrong: I LOVE THEM. I had to drive downtown today, and I don't know how I would have made it without my GPS. A St.Albert girl driving around downtown Edmonton is a disaster waiting to happen, so thank goodness for my GPS to get me where I need to go, without me having to take detour after detour. This item is becoming essential to me as I explore Edmonton more and more.

3) An oilers jersey. I have a ton of them in my closet. If a friend needs a jersey to go to a game, they come to me to browse through my selection. Nothing reminds me of Edmonton more than the Oilers.

4) A deep fried Mars bar. Ok, I know this doesn't really scream "Edmonton", but I connect it to Taste of Edmonton, a summer festival that I just love. This festival offers all kinds of foods, among other things, and deep fried mars bars are one of the tastiest treats there.

5) Something from this class. I'm not sure what just yet, but this class has opened my eyes to so many things that Edmonton has to offer, whether that be through writers like Darrin Hagen, or other artists, film-makers, etc. I don't think anything is more significant to Edmonton than it's people. But I don't really consider people to be materials, so maybe I would include one of the reading materials we tackled this term, like Edmonton On Location. In my opinion, stories about this city are definitely significant, but seem to be under-appreciated here. I had read maybe one novel set in Edmonton before coming to this class. Yup, the more I think of it, the more I would definitely include one of the books we read this term.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

taste of edmonton

Looking at Edmonton from a tourist's point of view is pretty interesting. I can see some of the attractions that Edmonton has to offer, which I will mention in just a second, but first I have to say that Edmonton is not a city I would ever want to be a tourist in. Where are the BEACHES? :)

I always wonder why so many tourists come to Edmonton. When I'm deciding where I want to travel, I base it on hot weather, beaches, palm trees, ocean.... definitely not things I associate with Etown. Yet this city draws quite a few tourists every year, so obviously not everybody has the same tourism criteria as I do! I also know a lot of people have family in Edmonton that they visit, come here for work, etc. So, what do I think they should check out? Well there are actually some pretty cool things in this city!! Besides visiting West Edmonton Mall, which is a pretty famous attraction, I would definitely suggest our summer festivals to any tourists in town. This also ties into the other part of the prompt, which mentions kids. Some of our summer festivals, such as Taste of Edmonton, are perfect for tourists, or Edmonton families.

My first time experiencing Taste of Edmonton was only two summers ago, but I know I would have LOVED it as a child (if it was even around back then!). Taste of Edmonton might actually be my favourite part of Edmonton in the summer. It's cultural, and fun for the entire family, not to mention delicious. You can try food from cultures around the world, or try crazy dishes like deep-fried Mars bars (they're to die for). I don't know if other cities do anything like this, but I think it's a great event. It gives Edmonton a cozier, home-style type feeling, as people walk around the Taste of Edmonton streets eating and laughing. As someone who doesn't especially love Edmonton, this cozy feeling and good family-fun makes me feel just a little bit more attached to this city. I definitely would want tourists to see this side of Edmonton.

Friday, March 18, 2011

nature ???

Okay, so as this class goes along, I'm realizing I don't know much about Edmonton at all. I don't even know what nature is like in Edmonton! By that I mean, that I've never really EXPERIENCED nature in Edmonton. I've never walked down a path to a ravine in Edmonton, or had a picnic by a pond, or whatever. My weak excuse is that I live in St.Albert, so all I ever see of Edmonton's nature is the trees on the side of the road that I'm driving on. Obviously I see the river valley every week day on my way to school, and it is absolutely beautiful, but that's about as close to "nature" in Edmonton as I get.

Actually, the first thing I thought of when I read this week's blog prompt, is whatever random dog park in Edmonton that I took my dog to once when he was a puppy, but I witnessed a pretty scary dog fight between what looked like a german shepherd mix and a rottweiler, so we stuck to smaller, "safer" dog parks in St. Albert from then on... haha, what a disaster that was. I can't think of any other parks or fields I've ever been to in Edmonton. Hmm. Possibly another thing to add to my to-do list.

Friday, March 11, 2011

catch up

To summarize all that I've learned so far in 380, I can say that I've learned how to appreciate this city. I'm one of the ones who had nothing positive to say about Edmonton on the first day of class. I still don't want to live here for the rest of my life, but at least now I can see some positives. Something that surprised me was how the movie about the High Level Bridge really opened my eyes to the city. Here was a filmmaker, using sarcasm and humor, pointing out how friggen dreary and awful Edmonton is for most of the year. I'm not the only one who noticed!!!

I always feel like I'm the only one who can't get out of bed when it's -25, or who actually gets a little depressed when the leaves fall because I know I'm headed for at least 7 months of cold. Edmonton has it's negatives, and I definitely pick up on a lot of them, but I have learned about quite a few positives as well. And after watching that film in class, I feel like at least we're all in it together. Edmonton feels like home in a way that whatever city I move to in the future might never quite equal.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

rexall place

I know this week's blog post is more open than other weeks, but I really like the optional prompt, so I'm going to go with that. The prompt is "if you had to choose a single Edmonton location to write about, what would it be and why?". I immediately thought of Groat Road, because my perception of it has changed since being in this class, but I already briefly mentioned it in another post, so I want to switch things up. I then thought of Hawrelak Park, but I feel like saving that for another post maybe, and I feel like a lot of people might write about a place in Edmonton because of it's beauty, etc... I want to be different. So, I'm going to write about Rexall Place. Hopefully that is unexpected to some of you.... but it shouldn't be THAT unexpected, since we live in one of the biggest hockey cities in North America. I want to wite about Rexall Place for that reason mostly. It is such an important part of Edmonton culture, because our hockey team, the Oilers, have such an effect on many of our citizens. You may not be an Oilers fan yourself, but you can't argue the massive popularity of the team, or it's effect on our city's culture. Anybody can see the popularity of the Oilers if you walk a street, mall or university campus on game day and witness all of the Oilers jerseys, or  log onto Facebook during a game and read all of the emotional statuses about the game.

Over many hockey-crazed years, Rexall Place has become an iconic building in Edmonton, in my opinion. Recently, however, there have been talks and plans regarding getting rid of it, mostly because it's old. I can see pros(players want new ice, fans want more seats, a new building will make our city look more modern, etc) and cons(it will cost a lot to build a new arena district). to this idea. I'm actually for the building of a new arena district, but I'll definitely miss Rexall Place when it's gone. I think it's important to our city. I also think the new arena will become just as iconic.