Thursday, February 3, 2011

about darrin

Today's class was my favourite so far, by a long shot. For this blog entry, I really just want to write about Darrin. More specifically, what about him really impressed me/ what I liked about him.

First of all, I think he's incredibly brave for doing what he did, particularly in a time period when being gay wasn't look upon very favorably(and that's probably putting it mildly). I also think he's incredibly brave for coming into classrooms to talk about his life, not knowing if every student is open-mined and accepting, but probably honestly not caring. That ability to be himself so completely is rare, I think, and just fabulous (as he would probably say). Also, I loved how he dropped f-bombs left and right. Good for him for not feeling the need to change how he speaks for anybody. Maybe I'm a little crude, but anybody who can drop an f-bomb in public, and not care, gets a little bit of weird respect from me. He was just so outgoing and vivacious, totally diva, and fabulous.

I liked his book, and loved him.


  1. I think Darren is fucking awesome as well. ha!

  2. I really liked how I learned *so* much in that class, but it totally didn't feel like a typical classroom setting at all. I feel like this class is a breath of fresh air... Other classroom settings are too stuffy and strict. I mean, last class we were talking about drugs, sex, murder... I think more classes need to be provocative. It's more engaging, inspires more thought and I think I walked away from that class with more applicable knowledge to real-world scenarios.
