Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Edmonton

Having lived in St. Albert for my entire life, my sense of Edmonton is slightly limited. St. Albert is a decently sized city, but after having lived there for nineteen years, I can only really describe it as small and stifling. As a decently sized city, I know it has no real “small town Alberta” feel, but I honestly feel like I have met every single person near my age that lives in my city. As soon as I leave the St. Albert city limits and enter Edmonton, where there are so many people and so much is unknown to me, I feel like I can breathe. Since I’m not from there, it’s unlikely among the crowds of Edmontonians that I will run into the mother of the boy I dated in grade nine, or the girl who I accidentally got fired from our job in grade ten. It’s just a bunch of curiously unfamiliar faces among the crowds of people that I see on street corners downtown.
On the other hand, in St. Albert, our official “downtown” area basically consists of a government building attached to a library, with a few coffee shops and a tanning salon that I probably frequent far too often. Unfortunately, the only time I really venture into the big city, besides when I go to school, to my boyfriend’s place, or the rare visit to the dentist’s office, is when I go to the bars with my friends.  I love the busy nightlife in Edmonton, which far outstrips the same old crowd that goes to any of St. Albert’s few pubs. This nightlife often takes me to Jasper Ave, which is an area of Edmonton that I have the greatest familiarity and the strongest attachment to. I adore it for its obvious draw to youth: it is full of exciting clubs, bars, and even a small donair shop that has become one of my biggest guilty pleasures. So I might not be able to really say “My Edmonton” but I definitely feel attached to “My Jasper Ave” ;)


  1. My favorite donair shop is over in Bonnie Doon, and what I love about it is that it has a big sign saying "Our meat is FEDERALLY INSPECTED!" Makes you wonder about all the other places...

  2. I think it is all relative.
    Having lived in Edmonton for my entire life the six degrees of separation has set in and facebook makes this obvious.
    Try meeting a girl and having her not know anyone you know. Impossible.
