Thursday, February 10, 2011

what i've learned so far...

So far in 380, I've learned a few random things... like how different maps can be (something that, as I blogged about before, I'd never even considered). I'm really interested in sound maps, in particular, which is something I didn't know existed until this class. I've also re-affirmed that I don't like sci-fi or fantasy books. I already knew that, but after reading and disliking Faust's book(I acually liked the start, before all the weird cream and war stuff started), and skipping ahead to read and enjoy the more realistic book A Tourist's Guide to Glengarry, I can only confirm this more strongly.

In class in particular, one really simple thing has stood out as something I've learned. A guy (sorry I can't remember who!) mentioned that he's proud of Groat Road. Groat Road of all things! I hate that road, it makes me car sick half of the time. Except - after thinking about why he likes it (the beauty, etc), I realized that I take pride in it too. Like he said: it's like a little road in the mountains, right in the city. I never thought of it that way, and now I do. How cool is that road?! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I remember my first time being on Groat Road: I had come to the city to visit a friend and it was only the second time I'd ever been to Edmonton. We went hunting for a Dairy Queen (9 pm at night, in December... perfectly normal), and we ended up leaving her neighbourhood (Garneau) and ended up driving up Groat Road to Westmount. I got sick driving it the first time, but the second time around, I realized why my friend thought it was the greatest thing ever-- for the exact reason that the guy in class and you have mentioned!
